2024-25 NCAA Division II Wrestling Rankings

174 Pounds

Is there a result we might have missed or a weight change we didn't catch? Let us know by emailing us at rankings@flosports.tv and include D2 rankings in the subject line.

1Hayden PummelGlenville StateJR
2Sevi GarzaAshlandJR
3Cole HernandezWestern ColoradoSR
4Josh KennyGrand Valley StateSR
5Jacobi DealNebraska-KearneySR
6Carter WinegardnerWest LibertySR
7Drake HaywardMinnesota StateJR
8Bryce DagelSt. Cloud StateJR
9Matt OrtizMcKendreeSR
10Lawson LoseeUpper IowaSO
11Cole RitterMaryvilleJR
12Wyatt ReiszColorado School of MinesSO