2024-25 NCAA Division II Wrestling Rankings

141 Pounds

Is there a result we might have missed or a weight change we didn't catch? Let us know by emailing us at rankings@flosports.tv and include D2 rankings in the subject line.

1Cayden HenschelUW-ParksideSR
2Christian SmallLake ErieSR
3Johnny LopezSan Francisco StateJR
4Angel FloresAdams StateSR
5Gavin QuiochoGlenville StateSR
6Ronan SchuelkeMcKendreeJR
7Grayston DiBlasiColorado School of MinesSR
8Joseph AireolaNebraska-KearneySO
9Josh TaylorCentral OklahomaSO
10Khyvon GraceWest LibertyJR
11Isham PeaceLanderJR
12Cole ThomasThomas MoreJR