2024-25 Minnesota High School Wrestling Rankings

152 pounds

Is there a result we might have missed? A college commitment or weight change we didn't catch? Let us know by emailing us at rankings@flosports.tv and include Minnesota HS rankings in the subject line.

RankNameSchool Year College
1Brad LittleWoodburySr
2Calder SheehanRochester MayoSr
3Conlan CarlsonWillmarSr
4Kaden NicolasBeckerSr
5Carson RowlandChatfieldSr
6Ty SaulterRosemountSr
7Zack CarrParkJr
8Amilio SalasSimleyJr
9Hunter GruchowWest Central Area/Ashby/Brandon-EvansvilleSr
10Tyson NewmanSt. Michael-AlbertvilleFr