2024-25 Iowa High School Class 1A Wrestling Rankings

215 pounds

Is there a result we might have missed? A college commitment or weight change we didn't catch? Let us know by emailing us at rankings@flosports.tv and include Iowa Class 1A HS rankings in the subject line.

RankNameSchool Year College
1Ashton HonnoldNodaway ValleyJR
2Kyler SallisDon BoscoSO
3Nathan BeitzMaquoketa ValleySR
4Carter WrightWoodbury CentralSO
5Jacob BishopHintonSR
6Carson EdneyLogan-MagnoliaJR
7Eaghan FleshmanAlburnettFR
8Angel BarajasAlta/AureliaSR
9Hendrik PuuraidManson-NW-WebsterJR
10Grady JoensUnderwoodJR