2024-25 Big Ten Conference Wrestling Rankings

174 pounds

Is there a result we might have missed or a weight change we didn't catch? Let us know by emailing us at rankings@flosports.tv and include Big Ten rankings in the subject line.

1Levi HainesPenn StateJR2
2Carson KharchlaOhio StateSR5
3Lenny PintoNebraskaJR6
4Nelson BrandsIowaSR9
5Clayton WhitingMinnesotaSO18
6Jackson TurleyRutgersSR19
7Dan BraunagelIllinoisJR21
8Roman RogotzkeIndiana JR26
9Brody BaumannPurdueSO27
10Joseph WalkerMichiganSRNR
11Lucas CondonWisconsinFRNR
12Ceasar GarzaMichigan StateSONR
13Joseph MartinNorthwesternSONR
14Branson JohnMarylandFRNR