2018 Final X - Lehigh

Flo Predicts Final X - Lehigh

Flo Predicts Final X - Lehigh

The FloWrestling staff makes their predictions for Final X - Lehigh.

Jun 22, 2018 by Wrestling Nomad

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On Saturday evening, the third installment of Final X takes the stage. Six world team series, as well as a handful of true third matchups, will take place at historic Grace Hall on the campus of Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA.

The addition of the true third matches, which finalize the national team (top three at a given weight) makes Final X - Lehigh the largest of the three installments. Of course, fans in attendance and those watching online will also get to see three men and three women earn their spots on the world teams and represent America at the World Championships in Budapest, Hungary, in October.


Where: Bethlehem, PA | When: Saturday, June 23

Like we always do at this time, the FloWrestling staff will make predictions. Love them or hate them, feel free to praise or ridicule us. Either way, you're going to have some fun.

It's pretty simple. The three men's and three women's matches will be wrestled in a best-of-three format. So the first round will go through all six matches, then the second round, and, if necessary, a third and deciding round. That's no different than the World Team Trials format for the last few decades.

Before we get to the picks, here is a bevy of Final X - Lehigh content for you to consume. Or breeze right past it. Your choice.

Final X Lehigh Tickets Available Now

Final X Lehigh Match Order Released

Final X Lehigh Will Be Held In Historic Grace Hall

Betting Odds For Final X Bethlehem

Confidence Picks: Final X - Lehigh

Tech Notes: Nahshon Garrett vs Joey Colon

Tech Notes: Nick Gwiazdowski vs Adam Coon

Tech Notes: Victoria Anthony vs Whitney Conder

Tech Notes: Haley Augello vs Sarah Hildebrandt

7 True Third Matches Set For Final X Lehigh

Helen Maroulis Out For Final X Lehigh


61kg: Joe Colon vs. Nahshon Garrett

Pyles: Garrett over Colon, 2 matches to 1

Willie: Colon over Garrett, 2 matches to none

Bader: Colon over Garrett, 2 matches to none

Nomad: Colon over Garrett, 2 matches to none

Spey: Garrett over Colon, 2 matches to 1

Bratke: Garrett over Colon, 2 matches to 1

Holmes: Garrett over Colon, 2 matches to 1

Kania: Colon over Garrett, 2 matches to 1

50kg: Whitney Conder vs. Victoria Anthony

Pyles: Conder over Anthony, 2 matches to none

Willie: Conder over Anthony, 2 matches to none

Bader: Conder over Anthony, 2 matches to 1

Nomad: Conder over Anthony, 2 matches to none

Spey: Conder over Anthony, 2 matches to 1

Bratke: Anthony over Conder, 2 matches to 1

Holmes: Anthony over Conder, 2 matches to 1

Kania: Conder over Anthony, 2 matches to none

92kg: J'den Cox vs. Hayden Zillmer

Pyles: Cox over Zillmer, 2 matches to none

Willie: Cox over Zillmer, 2 matches to none

Bader: Cox over Zillmer, 2 matches to none 

Nomad: Cox over Zillmer, 2 matches to none

Spey: Cox over Zillmer, 2 matches to none

Bratke: Cox over Zillmer, 2 matches to none

Holmes: Cox over Zillmer, 2 matches to none 

Kania: Cox over Zillmer, 2 matches to none

53kg: Sarah Hildebrandt vs. Haley Augello

Pyles: Hildebrandt over Augello, 2 matches to 1

Willie: Hildebrandt over Augello, 2 matches to none

Bader: Hildebrandt over Augello, 2 matches to 1

Nomad: Hildebrandt over Augello, 2 matches to none

Spey: Hildebrandt over Augello, 2 matches to none

Bratke: Hildebrandt over Augello, 2 matches to none

Holmes: Hildebrandt over Augello, 2 matches to none

Kania: Hildebrandt over Augello, 2 matches to none

65kg: Julia Salata vs. Forrest Molinari

Pyles: Molinari over Salata, 2 matches to 1

Willie: Salata over Molinaro, 2 matches to none

Bader: Molinari over Salata, 2 matches to 1

Nomad: Molinari over Salata, 2 matches to none

Spey: Salata over Molinaro, 2 matches to 1

Bratke: Salata over Molinaro, 2 matches to none

Holmes: Salata over Molinaro, 2 matches to none

Kania: Molinari over Salata, 2 matches to 1

125kg: Nick Gwiazdowski vs. Adam Coon

Pyles: Coon over Gwiazdowski, 2 matches to 1

Willie: Gwiazdowski over Coon, 2 matches to 1

Bader: Gwiazdowski over Coon, 2 matches to none

Nomad: Gwiazdowski over Coon, 2 matches to none

Spey: Gwiazdowski over Coon, 2 matches to none

Bratke: Gwiazdowski over Coon, 2 matches to none

Holmes: Gwiazdowski over Coon, 2 matches to none

Kania: Gwiazdowski over Coon, 2 matches to 1